希拉蕊 川普
美國總統初選(primary) ,正如火如荼舉行,兩黨提名人雖未正式確定,但大局已底定,民主黨希拉蕊(Hilary Clinton) 已獲壓倒性的勝利,共和黨川普(Donald Trump) 已獲規定的選舉人票數,穩拿候選人資格(clinch candidacy)。
回憶幾個月來候選人(candidate) 之間的唇槍舌劍,你來我往,毫不相讓,令人嘆為觀止。不但同黨人互嗆,也三不五時兩黨對罵也有。有趣的是,候選人的用字遣詞,常常捨正式英語不用,而用口語(colloquial) 、俚語(slang) ,甚至連禁用語(taboo English) 也脫口而出,而新聞媒體更在一旁推波助瀾,蔚為奇觀,套句台語叫『鬧熱滾滾』(noisy) ,好戲連連。
玆將候選人,節目主持人(moderator)或評論員(commentator) 之用語,隨意列出(randomly) 來,以供英語同好觀賞,並歡迎指教。
leaders threaten to sit this cycle out if Trump's running mate doesn't
win them over. (推動此事的領袖們威脅,不參加這個周期發生的事件,倘若川普的伙伴嬴不了他們)。
《註》:cycle原為環形之狀,sit the cycle out乃置身事外,不参與某事;把sit當作及物動 詞用
Trump’s ex-friend, Brewer Lane said, “I never felt like I was being depicted as a piece of meat.”
On Sunday, Trump slammed the story as a “lame hit piece”.- 川普以前友人-
Brewer Lane說『我從未感覺被描寫成是一位笨蛋(輕易被打敗的對手)』。星期日川普重力抨擊本事件為『打斷雙腿使....殘廢」
《註》:meat, 俚語用法,意指愚蠢的人(stupid person)或輕易被打敗的對手(an easy opponent) 。更下流用法亦可指用完即丟棄之性伴侶(merely as a sex partner)。slam…as…, slam原義為用力關上門,此處不客氣地回應uncomplimentary comment) 。a lame hit piece= a piece of action that strikes someone lame,比喻打擊之重
c. Trump would go a long way toward
easing many top conservatives’ deep-seated concerns about him. (要緩和許多高層保守人士對他根深蒂固的關心,會是一條漫長的路)
《註》:go a long way…意指要花漫長時日,或不是一蹴可幾之事。
The audience was more interested in fawning over than grilling
him. (聽眾感到興趣的是巴結他,而非詰問他) 。
《註》:fawn= court favor,=
flatter 奉承,有人fawn upon+人;grill v. 燒烤,引伸意義為嚴苛,質問=question relentlessly
Voters are swooning for the symbolism of a candidate, more
interested in image than issues. (選民正為候選人象徵之物而神魂顛倒,而候選人則對個人形象比施政問題更感興趣) 。
《註》:swoon, 原義為暈倒=faint,swoon for…醉心於, 為.. 而傾倒
Now that he’s the Republicans’ presumptive nominee, it’s clear the
early naysayers sorely miscalculated. (既然他成了共和黨假定的候選人,清楚地,早期否定他的人,痛苦地以前錯估了他)
《註》:nay n. 原義為否定 (negative vote) ,或投否定票者,常用在議案表決場合。saynay 作動詞用=否定或否決,其相對字為aye=yes. 例:Of 40 people present; 12 people
say aye; and the rest say nay. (40位出席人中,12人贊成,其餘反對)
A strong cult of personality can trump (up) ideology. 具個人個性的狂熱崇拜者贊成意識型態。
《註》:trump, 原義為牌局中的好牌,此處做動詞用有「編造或杜撰=invent」或贊成之義。本句乃諷刺候選人Trump之性格,人名用大寫,小寫則作動詞
A Trump rally feels different from normal campaign event,
something more akin to a rock concert or a mega-church prayer session
than a political event. (川普競選造勢大會,感覺起來和正常的競選會不同,它更像搖滾樂音樂會或大型宗教禱告聚會。)
《註》:be akin to= be similar to與…. 類似;mega= million百萬,引申之義為眾多。如美國樂透(lotto) 有mega-millions(數億獎金)之一類
It’s true that he is shockingly shallow on policy, but his
populist and nationalistic appeals hit people at a deeper level
than his position on tax rates or spending proposals. (實在,他對政策的知識令人吃驚的缺乏,但他對一般人和全國性的訴求,比他的付稅率或支出建議更深入人心)
《註》:shallow, =not deep 看得見的淺,應指更文言的用字=superficial腐淺。hit v. 原義為打擊,hit +people=have a strong impact on對人們的衝擊力很大;level, 程度、水準,at a deeper lever, 更深一層
Last week’s sudden collapse
of Donald Trump’s primary foes has left a number of Republican
leaders in a bind.
(上周他的競爭對手的突然挫敗,讓許多共和黨領袖個深感痛苦)。foes= enemy
《註》:bind, 原作動詞用,作約束解,但作名詞用有「束手無策,十分痛苦」之義(predicament) ,如同申文受到束縛,尤其用在in a bind= in a very tight and awkward
situation(處於嚴苛和窘困之境) 有時有in a box代替,詳下句。
Other former White House
contenders found themselves in a similar box. - (其他前白宮競爭者,發覺他們處在相同的進退兩難中)
《註》:in a box, 處在困境,進退两難(in dilemma)。這是1953年開始使用的俚語用法,如,Now we are in an awful box. (目前我們進退兩難,十分痛苦) 。
Sanders, hammers on
her as a creature of Wall Street at his rallies that still draw
thousands of supporters. (希拉蕊的競選對手-桑德士,在他仍然吸引數千人的多次造勢大會中,重力抨擊她是華爾街的動物,)
《註》:hammer 原作名詞, 鐵槌子,hammer (v.) on+人= beat, drive or slap with repeated blows, (連續重擊) 。a creature of Wall Street華爾街的生物,指「唯利是圖者」,一切向「錢」看。draw, v. 吸引= attract
Justin Lai 編寫