2016年1月17日 星期日



            Image result for prayer
Old Home Place 老家

The windows are shuttered,  窗戶緊閉
The grasses are high, 草皮長高
No smoke from the chimney, 煙囪無煙
Curls up to the sky. 捲入高空

The fences are broken, 籬笆已破
And sadly I stare 悲傷注視
At the little old house 破舊小屋
So in need of repair. 急待修繕

The swing on the porch, 前廊秋千
Still swings in the wind, 仍然存在
Though the children have gone, 孩子雖離
And there’s no one within. 空無一人

I sit on the steps, 悠坐台階
And my thoughts wander through 思潮起浮
The paths of time, 光陰匆匆
And the days that I knew. 舊日時光

Through the soft stillness, 透過靜寂
There falls on my ears, 進入耳朵
The echoes of sweetness, 甜蜜回嚮
Love leaves through the ears. 愛不存

And sadness departs, 悲傷已去
And peace fills my souls, 心中寧靜
For the little old home place 小舊老屋
And I have grown old. 我己老邁

Together we’ve weathered 相偕歷經
The rain and the wind, 風風雨雨
For the first time I realized 首次頓悟
How easy it’s been. 輕易而過

And blessed every men, 每人得福
To be numbered among 能夠列名
Yesterday’s children. 往日孩童
With hearts they are young! 稚氣猶存

Grace E. Easley (禱告者)

Condensed from Salesian Inspirational Books. (自)

Justin Lai



                  Image result for bible study

“You will show me the path to life, abounding joy in your presence, the delight at Your right hand forever. Psalm16:11” (詩篇1611KJV版本

1)      “Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in your presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.”- (King JamesVersion詹姆士國王版本)

2) “You teach me the way of life. In your presence is total celebration. Beautiful things are always in your right hand.”- (Contemporary English Bible-當代英語聖聖版本)
*上句英譯文與其他版本相差大,另*total celebration(全部的慶祝,歡慶),來表示充滿喜樂-abounding joy fullness of joy似乎較不易被理解。*第二句似乎意謂「你的右手永遠掌握美好事物」。其義與4) 1) 不同。

3) “You have shown me the path to life and you make me glad by being near to me. Sitting at your right side, I will always be joyful.” –(Contemporary English Version當代英語版本)

依不同版本的經文,中文版1)的譯義顯然差別甚大。應是充滿喜樂,而非滿足的喜樂,中文與英文翻譯有落差;4) 句僅用make me glad而缺少「十分」喜樂,若glad前加very更佳。另CEV版本-「坐在你右邊,我永遠快樂」的譯法最合理 (making sense)與可接受(acceptable) ,而中譯本的「在你右手中有永遠的福樂」與其他版本相差甚遠,因right hand僅指右邊,而與右手無關。另the path to life the way (path) of life,兩者含義不同,前者指to live a life,有動作意味;後者指生活之道,表靜態。以上,不知聖經行家高見如何?

Justin Lai 評述


