2015年11月8日 星期日


靈修的話 The Power of Prayer-11

“Blessings Undeserved” -承受不起的祝福

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Lord, my heart is full of praise today-主啊,今天我的心充滿了讚美-
I just can’t hold it in! 多到我承受不住!
You’ve done so much for me and mine, 祢已為我與我親人做了許多事
I don’t know where to begin. 我不知從何感謝祢。

You gave salvation, full and free 祢賜給我充分與免費的救贖
And grown us in Your love; 並在祢的愛中成長
You’ve saved us from our woes 祢已把我們從悲痛中解救出來
As we turned our eyes above…當我們抬頭向上看時

You’ve brought us up on eagles’ wings, 祢已令老鷹把我們帶上天
Placed joy within our souls; 將歡樂置於我們靈魂之中
Restored new health where sickness reigned 使我們脫離病魔,重新恢復健康
And made pleasing You our goal. 並且把取悅祢做為我們的目標。

Dear God, we’re weak and often fail 親愛的上帝,我們是虛弱也常失敗
In what You’d have us do; 在祢交付我們的指令中;
You choose to bless us anyway 可是你照樣祝福我們
And draw us close to You. 並把我們拉近祢身旁。

So, thank You, Jesus, for loving us, 因此,我們感謝祢的愛
For blessings undeserved; 感謝祢給我們承受不起的祝福
In return, I offer You myself, 我奉献自己來作為回報
With praises undeserved. 用承受不起的祝福。

取材自Salesian Inspirational Book

Justin Lai /


