007 龐德也會動心的小艇:
Boats that James Bond would kill for: 007 龐德也會動心的小艇:
DeepFlight Super Falcon Mk II
This is a personal submarine, and it's 100% real. In fact, an enormously wealthy boating enthusiast had an entire yacht made just to carry one of these around. It normally cruises at around 300 feet below sea level, but it can hit over (under?) 900, if it has to. Also: It has air conditioning, just because.
The Ady Gil
There’s only one purpose for which this boat was designed: circumnavigating the globe faster than any before it. It succeeded, and it was the boat to take if you wanted to get from Saint-Tropez to Venice as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, it didn’t survive a collision with a Japanese whaling ship (accidental), and currently lies at the bottom of the sea.
The Sea Shadow
The US Navy and DARPA worked with Lockheed on this beauty back in the 1980s as an experiment in stealth ships. In addition to its foreboding looks, it features a groundbreaking design with submerged hulls to help keep it steady. If it looks familiar to you, that’s because it was the basis for Elliot Carver’s ship in Tomorrow Never Dies.
Aston Martin Quintessence AM37
Aston Martin just announced its first speedboat, designed in collaboration with Quintessence Yachts. It features HD touch screens and voice recognition, and will legitimately be on sale once the final details are worked out. Bond wouldn’t just kill for this, he’d kill M for it.

U-Boat Worx C-Explorer 3
This is a sub capable of diving to over 3,000 feet and staying there for 16 hours. That’s deeper than a majority of military submarines. Think of it as the ultimate deep sea stakeout vehicle.
Sea Slice
The Sea Slice uses the same kind of submerged hull as the Sea Shadow (it's built by the same company), but on a much bigger and much faster boat. It’s the perfect boat for hosting a yacht party full of mercenaries, or anyone really. Relatively speaking, it's dirt cheap, too.
Landing Craft Air Cushion
These are massive military hovercrafts capable of running up to 185 tons of equipment from a beach to a boat or vice versa. You know, exactly the kind of thing you need when dismantling a villain’s lair on some remote island.
The Quadrofoil
At under $20K, the Quadrofoil’s basically a perfect throwaway vehicle for Bond, but it’s also a wonderfully unique ride that runs purely on electricity and barely makes a wave in the water.
Ok, so this one’s owned by a Russian “businessman,” and it’s more of a Bond-villain boat, but James would still need to get on it somehow. That’s tough because it has lasers designed to blind cameras, a missile defense system, and escape boats.
The Helicat
Basically, the Helicat is a jetski that looks like a helicopter. All that’s left is for Q to put some missiles on it, and maybe an actual helicopter engine, and it’s good to go.
Aquariva Super
It’s hard to find a classier or more elegant speedboat than a Riva. Just look at the beautiful woodwork. It's the perfect boat for seduction, followed by some sort of failed assassination attempt.
Justin Lai 選材