2016年3月10日 星期四

美式幽默的啟示 (4)

美式幽默的啟示 (4) 

Haha so true. I did this. I also have chocolate on my desk at work so if one of the ladies has a bad phone cal they get chocolate. But I never partake. And I never get phone calls. Evil laughter follows.  減肥法:做小蛋糕給所有朋友吃。他們吃得愈胖,我看起來就愈苗條

Funny Minions Quotes Of The Day :)  每當我瘦了一點,又可從冰箱(的食物)補回一點 (增加體重)

#Capri #Jewelers #Arizona ~ www.caprijewelersaz.com :) Funny Minions - Quotes (43 pict) | Funny pictures  容易入睡者給我一點奇想。難道他們沒有思想力?

Join the quickly growing community of FlipBelt fans and discover why we're the #1 product in the running category! Fits all phones (including the iPhone 6 Plus), credit cards, keys, gels, medical, mace, lip balm, powerbar, etc... No bounce! Machine wash! Move your phone to any location on your waist for different activities. Use 10% off code: PIN10 until 12/31/2016. Click the image to shop now.  此項設計很天才,上下全用彈扣(簡單方便)

minion quotes and images | Top-40-Minions-Quotes-humor-Minions.jpg  縱使Google找不到你,我也要重摑你一下

Funny Minion quotes gallery of the hour (08:26:00 AM, Thursday 25, February 2016 PST) – 10 pics  我年紀雖大,但尚未掛了。我體內有小孩尖叫著「誰把我銷在這位滿臉縐紋的老頭裡面」 (人老心不老?)

Justin Lai 


