I. 靈修的話

Time Has a Way of
Changing Things (1)
Our lives are filled with growing pains 人生充滿逐漸增多的痛苦
From the cradle to the grave, 從生到死,
But true faith can conquer fear 可是真誠信仰能征服恐懼
And make the coward brave. 並使懦怯者勇敢。
Time has a way of changing things 時間有辦法改變一切
The past cannot conceal 過去的事無法隱藏
As we work to mend our fences 因我們努力修補圍牆
And gives us time to heal. 並給予我們修復的時間。
Despite the stumbling blocks of life, 儘管人生阻礙重重
God lights the way ahead 但上帝為我們照亮前途
And paves the path with stepping stones 並舖設許多助力
For those who will be led. 為將被引導者。
-by Clay Harrison
(錄自)-Condensed from Salesian
Inspirational Books
A. 中譯經文主題:
「你們得救的是本乎恩,也因著信,這不是出於自己,乃是上帝所賜的」-新約-以弗所書(Ephesians) 2:8
所謂「本乎恩,也因著信」,何恩? 何信? 是指信心? 信用? 信仰? 中譯太文言也不易明白。另「出於自己」的什麼? 是指想像? 能力? 智慧? 成就? 造化? 語焉欠詳。
B. 英譯版本之比較:
1) For you have been delivered by grace through trusting,
and even this is not your accomplishment but God’s gift.- Contemporary Jewish Bible
註:deliver原義為送達,此處=save解救;by grace指藉用「恩寵」;through trusting= because of trusting;本版是唯一用trusting 代替faith的一種註解
For by grace are ye
saved through faith; and that is not of yourself: it is the gift
of God.- King James
註:by grace 和through faith 與上一版本譯法相似。Not of yourself =something made
or accomplished of your own靠自己力量做出的成就;of yourself=without help
from others獨自地
3) You are saved by God’s grace because of your
faith. This salvation is God’s gift. It’s not something you possessed.-
Contemporary English Bible.
註:本版用because of 代替through;解救之義,改用名詞salvation, 原句This salvation = this salvation of yours;something you
4) For it is by free grace (God’s unmerited favor)
that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made partakers of
Christ’s salvation) through your faith. And this (salvation) is not of yourselves
(of your own doing, it came not through your own striving), but it is
the gift of God.- Amplified Bible
註:grace 前加free (免費的) ,又加(God’s unmerited
favor)- 「受之有愧的恩寵」。delivered from
judgment免受審判-表達十分清楚;made partakers
of Christ’s salvation成為分享被基督解救者。this (salvation) is not of yourselves (of your own doing,
it came not through your own striving), 強調非自己努力得來
Justin Lai (賴正雄) 編譯
Have a great Sunday! 周日快樂!