Clocks, clocks, clocks, click, click, and clicking......A Clock reminds us of time, tempo, tiempo, or 時間。People habitually or instinctively look up at a clock overhead even though they wear wrist watches on hand. It signifies a clock's authority of telling people time over watches they wear. The following are only portions of clocks around the world. But they are just enough
to let us realize how human civilization evolves or advances......- by Editor.

英國Dublin(都柏林)-Clery 百貨公司

Tiffany Co.(著名珠寶店)1853年設置的擎天神大鐘(Atlas Clock)

NYC-Madison Square(麥迪遜廣場的路邊鐘-sidewalk clock)


Medieval 中古時代的鐘
對以上印象如何? 好看吧?!請注意,多數講漢語的的中國人,送禮可以送手錶,但很少送時鐘,不論大小,尤其是親友新居落成的大喜事,因『送鐘』與『送終』發音完全相同-'soong zhong'。『送終』指為親友奔喪,送最後一程。但台灣人無此忌諱,因台語『鐘』念成jing.
Well, well, how do the above clocks STRIKE you? Very impressive?! However, be it ever so small or big, do not send a clock to others as a gift. Sending watches is O.K. Because in Mandarin Chinese, "Sending a gift like a clock" 『送鐘』 sounds like "Bidding farewell to the deceased"『送終』。In Chinese, 『鐘』 is a homonym with 『終』。They are both pronounced as 'zhong'. which means death, termination, etc. In Taiwan, sending people a good clock is regarded as Top Choice when the recipients are moving into a new, and better house.



最後,請別忘了台大的《時鐘,非傅鐘》- (位在大門背後-寫著『時者金也』-走出校門前才看得見)
BTW, (順便一提) 台大校慶日是那天? 11月15日? 若是今日,
Happy anniversary to Tai-Da!!- or
"Many happy returns of the Day!" 祝台大萬壽無疆!
Justin Lai 編譯